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RuneScape - the massive online adventure game by Jagex Ltd

There are currently 184157 people playing!
Recent News
20-Apr-2006Pure Essence on free servers
It has been brought to our attention that some free users who used to be members have had their essence converted into pure essence they can't use. Don't worry, we are aware of this and are working to fix it.
20-Apr-2006Rune Essence adjustment
Today we have made an adjustment to rune essence mining due to players breaking rule 7 and rule 12, using macros to mine the rune essence and then selling it.
18-Apr-2006Pest Control
The long-awaited multiplayer minigame is finally here! Journey to the outpost of the Void Knights and help them to preserve balance in RuneScape by shutting down some incredibly evil portals...
10-Apr-2006New RuneScape Forums!
Today we have released the new version of the RuneScape forums, improving on the style and look of the old forums. 
We have also added a host of new features, including smilies, message previews, a bump button, an updated wordfilter and more.
10-Apr-2006Easter bunnies infest RuneScape!
Children around RuneScape were expecting the Easter Bunny to bring them eggs this week, but instead of one big bunny they have found dozens of little ones! Unfortunately the new rabbits haven't quite grasped the spirit of Easter, but you can dig up the eggs and investigate the rabbits' strange behaviour. This update is for both members and non-members.
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Modifié en dernier lieu le 23.04.2006
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